Academy Council

Find out more about the work of our academy council members.

Academy council members are elected by members of their peer group to represent the class and put forward ideas and view points that will influence decisions made in the interests of the pupil population.

Two academy council representatives are chosen to represent the views of their class members and their duties commence in September of each new academic year.  Once pupils are elected to serve as council members regular meetings are held where the agenda and the items for discussion are generated by pupils from within the academy.  A member of staff, Mr. McGinn, co-ordinates the meetings and supports the children’s chosen projects to come to fruition.  Academy council members have opportunities to meet with members of the senior management team, governing body, PTA and external agencies that may be involved and supportive of the academy council agenda.

Within the academy council, members have different roles to play.  The council has a chair person, vice chair person, secretary and treasurer.  Other members of the committee join with these officers in expressing the views of pupils.

The academy council have influenced and informed a number of academy improvement projects.  The most recent project involved council members in informing the development of the outside play area.  Pupils determined the range of play equipment that should be installed, met with outside contractors to consider the layout of the playground marking, and determined which playground markings they wanted to have. Academy council members met with planners, members of the governing body and project managers and became fully involved in bringing the project to fruition.

The academy council members determined that they would organise and run their own stall at the academy Christmas fayre with the aim of raising funds for the charity ‘Promise Dreams’.  This charity is one that supports terminally ill children.  The academy council members have determined that they will now go on to sponsor one of our parents who will be running in the London Marathon on behalf of this children’s charity.  Academy council members will meet with members of staff and governors to ask for their support in assisting the academy council to raise much needed funds for their identified charity.

As part of their charity fundraising focus the academy council have determined how CAFOD will benefit from the use of £132.00 that pupils have raised.  Academy council members have determined that the funds will be used to purchase
3 academy starter packs
2. Goats
1. pack that can be used to teach children to read
1 village water pump


Academy council members are scheduled to attend an LA wide anti-bullying conference that will be held on Friday 25 January.  Members will have the opportunity to meet with council members from other schools within the LA and will discuss and plan how bullying issues can be resolved within all schools.  It is expected that council officers will be present to listen to the views of children and to act on any concerns that are raised, and implement any positive ideas that will resolve bullying issues.

As a result of our involvement in the conference the academy will receive £100 grant that will enable academy council members to implement an anti-bullying campaign in our own academy.

Ideas for the future

Academy council members wish to introduce a playground pal scheme.  Council members will organise the recruitment process.
Council members will request applications for the posts, interview candidates and offer the successful applicants a position serving as one of the academy play pals.  Academy council members will ensure that those chosen to undertake this role will receive appropriate training.

Academy council have also expressed that they wish to play an active role in monitoring the use of water/electricity and other energy sources in their desire to be more aware and responsive of environmental issues.

Watch this space for more news about your academy council…………………………………


St. Michael's Catholic Primary Academy

Telford Gardens

T : 01902 556368
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