No to bullying!
At St Michael’s School we say
Say no to bullying
If someone is trying
to make you feel bad
so that most of the time
you are frightened or sad
just remember to tell
When someone is hurting you
day after day
and whatever you do
they just won’t go away
just remember to tell
Telling is brave
and telling is cool
telling is one of
the rules of this school
so remember to tell
T. E. L. L.
Anti-bullying actions at St Michael’s Academy
We believe that children who come to our academy should feel happy and safe and should thrive in an environment that is free from bullying.
All in our academy community are committed to act to prevent incidents of bullying occurring.
If a child feels that they are a victim of bullying they are encouraged to speak out and let someone know what has happened or is happening to them.
Children are regularly reminded about what to do if they think anyone or indeed if they themselves feel that they may be a victim of bullying.
Recent pupil questionnaires indicate that children are aware that there are adults in academy who will support them and help them whenever they are concerned or worried about something .Adults take their responsibilities to secure the safety and well being of our pupils seriously.
Our pupils take an active role in informing academy response to bullying and have recently taken part in a Local Authority Anti Bullying Conference where they expressed their views as to what should be done to address any issues of bullying that affect children who are pupils in any school in Wolverhampton.
Academy council members were invited to attend a Local Authority organised Anti-bullying conference .The conference took place on Friday 25 January. During the course of the day academy council members were given the opportunity to meet with council members from other schools. Together pupils discussed and planned how bullying issues can be resolved within all academys.
Local Authority council officers were present to listen to the views of our children and will now act on any concerns that were raised. It is hoped that Council officers will now work to implement the many positive ideas that pupils contributed and will use these ideas to help address and resolve bullying issues that exist in some academys.
Well done academy council members!
At St Michael’s academy we will also listen to what our pupils tell us and respond to their ideas as to how we can continue to work together to say NO TO BULLYING IN OUR ACADEMY!